
Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Race day

Sunday (awhile back) was Justin's half marathon race.  We all got up at 4:30 so we could get Justin to the starting ling and then find a spot to park.  We waited in the car for a little while, reading, eating breakfast, and just waking up before heading over to mile 9 to watch for him.  
(The pictures aren't in order for some reason)
This picture was walking back to the car after the race was over.
 Caroline making sure her dad is doing ok.
 They had a video of the finishing line that was on a 20 minute delay.  You could get something to eat and drink then watch yourself cross the finish line!
 Justin did very well, finishing with an average of 8:33 per mile!!  He beat his time from last year so he was pleased.  After leaving the race area we headed over to spend the rest of the day at Bellows.
 The boys chased and tackled each other.
 We enjoyed sitting in the sunshine!
 We had a picnic lunch.
 We also went to the creek area and played in the waters there.  Look how tall Caroline is getting!  Up to my shoulders already!
 The water draining out made a sharp left so Caroline and I 'cut the corner' seeing what would happen to the 'island' that was left.  We made jettys with our arms and watched the erosion happen until our island was no more.  It was pretty cool!
 More race pictures.  Our neighbor took this during the first couple miles of the race.  The girl is a friend and the boy head in the bottom of the picture is of our 10 year old neighbor that ran the whole thing in 2:11!!  And he is doing another half in a few weeks.  Incredible!
 Early morning sitting on a curb waiting for dad to come by!
 There he is at mile 9.  He's getting ready to go up a big hill around Diamond Head.
 After spending the day at Bellows we went to the Kona Brewing Company for dinner.
 Getting up at 4:30 means snuggles with mom on the beach, turn into a nap!!
Congrats Justin on another race well done!!

Saturday (while back)

Saturday morning (when Grandma and Grandpa were here) the big boys got up early to go out fishing.  
Justin and his buddies.
 Grandpa pulling in one of the two fish that were caught.

 Do you see the fish in the water?

 The Mahi maui is a beautiful fish.

 They enjoyed a beautiful day out on the water.

 Dinner that night was delicious!!  Fresh caught fish can't be beat!
 While the boys were out fishing we enjoyed watching Will play a scrimmage flag football game.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Spring Sports

We are well into spring sports around here.  Grandpa got some great shots of the boys in action and Grandma got Caroline in action.
Will LOVES football!  So when they were going to start a spring flag football league and play against other branches of the military and it be a little more competitive, then Will was all for it!  I texted his coach from last fall and asked if he was going to be coaching again and if Will could be on his team.  He was but he was moving up a division but really wanted Will on his team.  I signed Will up and he is playing with kids that are 2 years older than him.  He gets down sometimes because he's not as fast as the others but otherwise he is hanging in there and you can't tell a difference.  His coach is fantastic and is a great motivator for Will and has him figured out!  

 He doesn't let Will get away with being a slacker or doing things the wrong way!  As evidenced below, Will was doing push-ups for some infraction!  His coach has high praise for him and really thinks he's ready for tackle and has some serious potential.  We'll see what happens.  And I'm not so sure about tackle yet!
 Eric started t-ball a couple weeks ago.  He thinks he's hot stuff now that he has to go to ball practice like his big brother has all these years!

 Eric has never hit the ball off a T.  Someone has always pitched to him and he can really hit that ball.  He has a great natural swing and can watch the ball well.  He hasn't complained once about not being pitched to and has reminded me several times in the last 2 days that he has a scrimmage on Tuesday!
 Caroline is still doing swim team.  She is ready for it to be over and isn't giving her best effort at practice as a way to show that she's done!  But she swims 3 days a week and has for over 2 years now.  She is a very strong swimmer and can confidently swim all 4 strokes.  Back stroke is her favorite and the one she has her best times in.
 She swims in the 50m lanes and that's a long way!

We stay pretty busy will Will having practice 4 nights a week from 5:30-7, Eric having practice 2 nights a week, and Caroline swimming 3 days.  Caroline and Eric are still doing gymnastics as well.  Right now Will has games Saturday afternoons down at Pearl Harbor and soon Eric will have games Saturday mornings.  Caroline has a swim meet coming up on a Saturday as well.

Did I mention that we have 56 days left on the island and the packers come in just a few weeks!?

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Art and App night

Friday night Grandma, Caroline, and I went to an event at the middle school.  Art and Appetizer night.  They had a local artist come in and give us instruction on how to paint the hibiscus flower.  It was a fun night and we laughed a lot.  
I bet you can't tell which one is mine and which is the artists', huh?  Mine is very obviously the one on the right.  There was no way I was going to even attempt to free hand the island chain so I modified it (in more ways than 1!).
Busy working on our masterpieces.
 In progress.

 She had such a great time!
 There were quite a few others there as well.
And I think we did a great job and had a blast!  What a fun girls night!

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Lagoon 1

Friday morning after the big kids headed off to school the rest of us headed over to Ko'Olina to go to the first lagoon.  This is a beautiful spot that we have recently discovered and love going.  There have been turtles swimming there each time we have been and it is fun to snorkel and swim with them!  The weather was just perfect that morning too.

Grandma, Grandpa, and Eric watching a turtle.
 My sweet happy boy!
 Eric really enjoyed having Justin there to play with!  He got tossed all over that lagoon.

 One of our turtle friends.  The water is absolutely beautiful and so very clear.
 Hanging out just above the water!
 Hugs with dad after playing around!
 He even got some Grandpa cuddles!
After playing at the lagoon we changed and enjoyed lunch at Monkey Pod Kitchen.  A great restaurant.  Another fun morning!