
Friday, July 22, 2011

What's in your garden?

Yesterday when Kate, the kids and I got home I noticed something moving in yard.  What was it?  DINNER!  Just kidding,  we were having pizza.

But apparently this poor guy was REALLY lost!  We had fun following it through the yard and then left him alone to do what ever it was that he was doing.

So when have you last seen a turkey in your garden?

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Elephant poop is bigger

Not sure when Will might have seen elephant poop but that is the comment he told Jeff after riding the gator through the cow pastures.  This afternoon we braved the heat and went out to the farm.  Jeff had the kids on the gator and moving fast before Kate, Mimi, and I had Eric situated in the moby wrap!  
Going on a little tour

Will is hanging on

This is how we all went to see the cows!  Eric had a great time and was making all kinds of happy noises after seeing the cows.

looking at the cows

a few of the cows

still watching

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Some of this and that

We have been having lots of fun at Nana and Papa's house.  We have been swimming, riding bikes, riding the gas scooter, working in the garden, and playing on the play ground in the back yard.  Here are a few pictures.
Our van fully loaded traveling from Susan's to Mom's.

Chicken and brie in puff pastry (yummy!!).  Susan and I saw this on a show and then copied it.

Eric thought he was something when he pulled my placemat over to get a chip off my plate!

A sweet moment of rest.

A picture of a picture.  I took the kids to have their picture taken last week and picked up the proofs yesterday.  This is one of 39 proofs!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

A new baby!

Susan's best friend, Jodie, had a little boy born on Graham's birthday!!  We went to the hospital to see how Jodie was doing and see little Garrett David Hart.  Caroline and Will couldn't get enough of him!  Will kept touching his cute little nose.
It's fuzzy because I was holding Eric while taking the picture and he gets so excited and bounces on my hip the entire time I am trying to take pictures!  And I just realized that there were finger prints on my lens (not sure how those got there!)

When I went to go pick him up to hand to Will, Caroline shook he head no.  She wasn't done yet!

Jodie looking marvelous just 15 hours after giving birth!  She was so calm for a 1st time mom to let Caroline and Will hold him.  She did say that they had experience so it was ok!  The elephant is the lovey that the kids picked out to bring to the hospital for Garrett.
We have been asked to come visit the new baby again.  New dad, David was gone to get lunch and missed Caroline and WIll holding him and wants to see that for himself!  So we will just have to go visit I guess!!  Caroline was excited to hear that she gets to hold him again.

 A completely random shot of my big 8 month old!!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

more firsts

Happy 4th!  Eric enjoyed trying watermelon for the first time.  He really enjoyed it!  He is also about to get another top tooth!  This will be tooth number 7!!

Then after dinner Mom had him try vanilla ice cream.  He wasn't as sure about that as he was the watermelon.  But he kept opening his mouth wanting more!

not so sure

Monday, July 4, 2011

2 days on the lake

So while I was at Dad and Marie's family cookout, Caroline and Will were with Nana and Papa at Kerr Lake.  I didn't want to take Eric on a boat over night so they went without me!  They didn't even want to call me at all during the 2 days they were on the water.
The big deal of the weekend was that they got to tube all by themselves.  And of course they wanted to go faster!

Will wanted to be slung around but he didn't weigh enough!

All smiles!!
They even slept on the boat and watched fireworks with "a thousand other boats and didn't find any friends" according to Will.  I'm glad they had so much fun and wish I could have been there to see my little fish swim all day!