
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Detroit River walk

Saturday morning after breakfast I packed a picnic lunch while the boys got the bikes ready.  Then we drove downtown to find a place to park near the river walk.  We set out only planning on about a 2 hour ride since that was how long the parking lot we parked in was for.  It was an absolutely beautiful day, warm and sunny.
Eric loves to bike ride as he says and loves his airplane helmet too.  He sees the bike in the garage and asks me on a daily basis to go for a ride.

Will getting ready to go.
 In the picture below you can down town Detroit on the right of the river and Windsor, Canada on the left.  The bridge way in the back ground is the Ambassador bridge.  Will and his bike are being carried up the hill by Justin.
 Will needed to be carried because he decided that he would ride down that steep hill and of course crashed at the bottom! Not to worry, he didn't cry and said he only had a little blood!!  His handle bars were turned completely sideways after crashing.  He did make it all the way to the flat part before he fell.

We rode over to Belle Isle and had our lunch.

 On Belle Isle people were setting up for a Grand Prix race and all the barriers and grandstands were up already.  The course wasn't closed yet so we rode the race course!  Will thought that was really neat and wants to go to the race!!
This is the hill he rode down.  Dad is using one of his fancy toys to figure out the grade of the hill.  It was so steep that none of us could ride up it and I had to have help pushing my bike with Eric on it up!!  So it was a 27% grade!   

We rode too long and he fell right to sleep!!
 Our ride was 11.6 miles and Will rode ALL of it by himself not complaining once!!  We were so shocked and proud of him.
Dad says this piece of art should be title "CSI Detroit"
 After our ride we went home and Will took a nap and then Dad, Justin, and Will went to a Tigers baseball game!!  They had fun even if the Tigers lost.  What a big day.  Will was one tired little 5 year old!!
Dad snuggling with his buddy Miles!!

Granddaddy's visit

I am doing this a little backwards but these are the pictures I have uploaded so far.  Sunday late morning we took dad back to the airport.  Eric is a huge fan of airplanes so he was so excited to see the planes!  In the car he was on repeat mode with "ah-tea" which is his word for plane.
pointing to the sky

Will didn't want gdad to leave and said he was going to hide in the plane!

taking a short ride over to the gas pump

Happy guys!
Thanks for coming dad!!  We had a great time.  More on our Saturday adventures coming up!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Monkey girl

Last Friday Caroline went to team try-outs at gymnastics.  Since she is in the advanced girls class they were all invited.  She didn't want to go, but after a few days and only 1 talk from Justin and I about how  good an experience it would be, she said yes.  It really surprised us since she isn't one to change her mind on things like that.  
So last Friday was a super busy end to that teacher appreciation week.  Caroline had a brownie meeting right after school and then I had a parent brownie meeting at 5:30.  Tryouts were at 6 (across several towns).  Justin and I both went to brownies and he took Caroline early with Will to try-outs while Eric and I stayed for the meeting.  Dinner was super early, about 4:45 for everyone but Caroline since it takes about 30 minutes to get to where her brownie meeting is at 5 on a Friday.  Caroline ate dinner in the car on the way to gymnastics.
Going up into a hand stand.

rolling out of it
So the results of the try-outs?!  She made the team!!!  We are so proud of her and she is super excited.  She won't get the opportunity to compete in MI but hopefully we can find a gym in KS and she can continue.  She is a level 2 gymnast now and they just do fun meets to get used to competing.  At level 4 they do real competitions.
Now she has class twice a week and is loving it so far.  This is the first week of having 2 classes.  Of course Caroline's classes aren't on a day that Will has class!  So we go to the gym 3 times a week.  It is about 15-20 minutes away in the same town we live in but we do have to get on the highway.  Eric loves to play on the mats and doesn't mind dropping the kids off.  I don't stay and watch since I would be watching Eric more than the gymnast!

Way to go Caroline!!  We love you

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Teacher appreciation week

So last week was teacher appreciation week and I am the "room mom" for Will's class.  I forgot when teacher appreciation week was and got an email from the room mom for Caroline's class.  Ooops!! I didn't sleep much that Sunday night, my mind was working over time to think of ideas and what the class could do for the teachers.  It is expected that the teachers get something everyday for the week.  Pinterest gave me some great ideas and I had some wonderful parents contribute as well( I sent out a "help me" email!)  So Ms. Lisa and Ms. Roxanne got lunch brought in to them, mini cakes, muffins, tea every morning, gift cards, and flowers!  I think it worked out!!
Friday morning I took over for Ms. Roxanne for morning gym duty and had the kids walk to the classroom each holding 2 flowers, one for each teacher.  I came in last and handed them the vases I made.  They loved it!!
I hot glued each crayon to the glass vase!

It took A LOT of crayons!!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

A month of sick

So I have been pretty sick lately.  But I am better now.  I had been getting sick every Sunday for a month but otherwise feeling fine.  Last Monday the kids and I had dentist appointments and while taking 3 kids could make you sick that's not what did.  About 15 minutes after getting my teeth cleaned I threw up!  I love getting my teeth cleaned and then I just ruined it!!
Justin came and got the kids and me from the dentist and took us home.  On the way we stopped at a drug store for some diet Coke (recommended by Dad).  Luckily I had dinner in the crock pot and Justin and the kids got it put on the table.  Tuesday I had an appointment with the allergist and Justin stayed home with Eric.  By the time I got home (after stopping for more diet Coke) I was feeling terrible and would sit in on the pot with the trash can between my knees.  Fun times!
Tuesday afternoon was much worse and I threw up before we got the kids from school.  Then in the line at the Rite-aid I was hanging my head out the door.  My prescriptions weren't ready so we headed home and at a stop light I had to open the door and up chucked again.  After some more diet Coke I was feeling much better.  I ate some spaghetti (not a great idea) and saw it again later.  Justin took all 3 kids to Will's t-ball practice and I went to get my meds.  After getting home and taking the anti-neausa medicine I gave that back.  More diet Coke and tried again and it stayed down.  I didn't toss my cookies the rest of the night but I there sure were times that I felt like I would.  About 10pm I finally was able to sleep and sleep through the night.
Apparently I had a sinus infection.  I had been having so much drainage after my cold 6 weeks ago that my stomach couldn't take it any more.  I have a CAT scan of my sinus tomorrow to make sure everything is ok.
I have been felling better everyday and am back to being super busy.  Thanks to Justin for helping me out! And to Dad for the million times I called and for making a correct diagnosis over the phone!

Dad kept recommending that I drink some Coke to break up the drainage in my stomach and settle the acid. Well it reminded me of a scene in a movie with Michael J Fox, Doc Hollywood.
The new young doc wanted to send a kid having heart issues to a bigger hospital and the old doc suggested giving him a Coke!
The Coke worked just like it did for me!  I can't find the clip but it is about the 27 minute mark.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Monkey see monkey do

Eric is in a great stage right now. He is talking more everyday and is so fun to be around! He is now joining us in the blessing when we sing "oh the Lord's been good to me". He adds the me and apple parts! Last night we were all sitting on my bed playing battleship on the iPad and I took some pictures of Eric reacting to Will and Caroline's excitement or disappointment in the game.