After 2 years of living in the middle of the country, land-locked, we finally made it to the beach!! We all were so very happy to be there. The weather was perfect and there were great tide pools at low tide every day.
With the great tide pools there was also opportunities to build dams.
Miles and I enjoyed our morning walks.
The 4th was great. We had picked up some fireworks and the kids enjoyed them.
Jumping off the porch was lots of fun while waiting for it to get dark enough for fireworks.
Miles loves being with us at the beach. He also always wants to sit on my lap. So Justin offered him his chair! He sat there for quite a while, happy as can be.
Miles also watches the kids int he water intently. And will go back and forth between me and the kids making sure they were ok.
Having the hammock up was delightful. It was pretty much always in a shady spot. Perfect for reading and relaxing.
They do get along! Justin and I weren't quite done putting on our sunscreen, so we told the kids they could wait in the tide pool. They enjoyed it!
Justin, just sitting in the incoming tide.
The Wheel House is one of our favorite spots to go and we can't wait to get back!!