So Justin and his buddy Mike have taken up gravel riding. He loves it! Anything on a bike and outside is right up Justin's alley. His bike handling skills have improved greatly since moving to KS and he hardly ever wrecks any more!! There for a while every time he got on his bike he would crash. The weather has not been great for doing anything outside but Mike is dedicated and drags Justin out any way. He ends up happy he went.
The pictures below are from a ride I think was 50 miles or so, they left early in the morning (like 5am crazy) and then we (Catherine, her 3 girls, and my kids) at a local cafe for a late breakfast.
Caroline learned the great lesson of how-to-get-paint-out-of-clothes after getting paint on not one, not two, but 4 pieces of clothing! Two of which were brand new! Rubbing alcohol and a toothbrush and lots of elbow grease later and she agreed that maybe being more careful or wearing a smock might be a good idea!
There for a few days Lili took a liking to this pillow and it didn't matter if you picked it up while she was on it she wasn't moving! Eric liked having her in his lap!
And we have been doing a lot of reading with it cold and windy out still. We are all anxiously waiting for spring and warmer weather to arrive.