
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Army beach

Sunday we left earlier than usual (no nap day) and went to the leeward side of the island to the Pililaau Army Recreation Center.  This is the same area where the spinner dolphins sleep.  We didn't get there early enough in the day to see them but have reserved a cabin for Veteran's Day weekend with 2 other families.  Hoping to see the dolphins then!!

We took turns paddle boarding, swimming ( the water seemed warmer over here compared to the north shore), snorkeling, and enjoying each others company.  And of course we stayed and saw yet another beautiful sunset!

The set up.

Caroline, Jackson, and Will exploring on the jetty.

Eric loved just hanging out in the water.

Eddie throwing Eric and Delaney in the air.


The littles held onto each other this time.

Eddie flipping Caroline.

The momentum took her back and she didn't hit her face!

So much fun!

Dinner time!
 The kids took the paddle boards out by themselves and did great!
Jackson paddling Caroline around.

The sun came out beneath the clouds.

Pretty sure that's Will.

Justin helping all the kids get started.

What a great way to end the week and start another.  That and frozen yogurt on the way home helps too!!

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Finally old enough!

Eric is now old enough to start playing organized sports.  After watching his brother for a few years he is more than excited to play his own games.  So he started with flag football this Thursday.  He will meet every Thursday for an hour of practice for several weeks.  Parents have to participate with their kid.
Getting ready to run a drill.  He's the blonde one of course!!

If you can zoom in you'll notice his tongue is sticking out in all his action shots!  Oh, and he said the girls were slow.

Defense time.  

Almost had his flag

At the end of practice I had one happy kid!!!

Our Week

 This week flew by!  I realized tonight that I haven't blogged (now it's another day!) all week.  Here are some of the pictures from this past week.
Justin was shopping for new shoes and Eric sat on his leg to help him.  Eric also got new shoes.  These growing kids!

Eric looking at Justin getting ready to go running.  Eric is still in his undies but putting on his new "tie shoes".

Sometimes when taking a poop you need a helmet!! 
 Eric had swim lessons 4 morning this week.  Delaney went with me 2 of those mornings.  One morning she let me braid her hair!  It's fun to have another girl around who actually wants me to braid her hair.  Caroline is not in that stage right now.
 Eric did great with his lessons and passed up to level 2!
Practicing his front float.

And his back float

They stand on a metal platform in the water so they can touch.  It works well until a kid steps off the side and can't swim!
 His class got to go down the big water slide twice this week.  He thought it was a blast!!

Pretty big slide.

Caroline and Will cheering him on.

Dianne sent me lots of new braid pictures this week and Caroline did want me to try a new stye.  It turned out not too bad. It stayed very well though and was still up after swim practice that afternoon.

Dinner Friday night.

Eric got his first ice cream cone Friday night.  He was a neater cone eater than his big sister!!!  And mint chocolate chip is his FAV!!  I'm pretty sure that's because it's green.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Thai on the beach

Tonight we went and picked up dinner (with the Gray's of course!) from a Thai food truck and took it across the street to the beach to eat.  The weather is not going to be good the next couple of days (tropical storm or something) so we took advantage and went for Saturday dinner and sunset instead of Sunday.  We are having a thunderstorm right now!
Waiting for our food!

Caroline, Will,  and Jackson skipping rocks.

Eddie took all the kids out on the rocks to watch the  turtles.

Eddie with all 5 kids. 

Another wonderful evening capped off by stopping for some ice cream!

Switching it up

Every morning this week Caroline and I were working in her room.  It took 4 days but we got the closet so you could see the floor and the room rearranged!
Part of what came out of her closet!!

Will and Miles hanging out.

Caroline is thrilled with the change.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Another one!

 Sunday after naps we headed out, with the Grays, to Ko'Olina (where the lagoons are) for another picnic dinner and sunset.  This just does not get old!!  We had a great afternoon swimming, eating, watching the kids run around on the grass, exploring the little pools on the other side of the rock, more swimming, then frozen yogurt.
Will joined 3 other boys for a pick up game of tackle football.  He  caught a kid from behind and rolled him to the ground. The kid lay there for a bit before getting up.  Will did help him up and make sure he was ok.

Climbing the rocks
 Then we tried to get a group picture.  My 3 were at the rock first.

Eddie helping Eric and Delaney across the rocks.

What's in there?

Hermit crabs!!

The explorers!

Dianne and Eddie check things out.


Photo credit: Caroline!  Love having friends here!

Jackson found a fishing line with a weight and hook on it.  Eddie pulled a hermit crab out and used it as bait.  They actually caught an eel!

Delaney just walked right up to Justin and grabbed his leg.  They stood there just watching waves.

Rock jumping
 Then another marvelous sunset!

Have I mentioned how much we love living in HI?