Will has joined the swim team. I think I have mentioned that (but I just can't remember!). He is really enjoying it so far and it looks like his first race might be May 3. Ages 8 and under only swim 25yds and I don't know what strokes he will be doing until about a week before the meet.
Will is in the beginners/developmental group. currently there are 7 boys ages 5-12 in that group. They can pick which 2 days a week to come to practice. Mondays are pretty popular day as all 7 boys were at practice! Coach Quincy has her hands FULL!!
Will is the closest one to you. |
Will is also playing baseball again this spring. It is his 3rd year playing baseball. He isn't happy with it right now because they haven't done any batting practice, yet. This is the conversation we had the other night on the way home from practice.
W: Mom, do you know what a ball sack is?
Me: Um, yes I do.
W: Well I need one.
Me: (Trying not to laugh or blurt out that he already has one!) Ok, why?
W: To put my balls in.
Me: (I almost told him that's what his cup is for. Since they have to wear one at this age.) What balls?
W: (getting exasperated at me) The ones I want to take to practice!!
Me: Oh, I see. You want a bag to put your baseballs in to take to practice?
Me: You don't need to take balls to practice the coach provides them.
W: Fine
Then we were home thankfully! It's a quick drive. In this instance I was glad Justin wasn't in the car because I'm not sure I was ready for the conversation to take that kind of turn!!