I guess after living here for 4 months it's time to give a little tour. Some of you have been here and some have gotten a little Facetime tour. I've given up on waiting until it's cleaned and organized to take pictures, because quite frankly my reality right now doesn't lend much time to an organized clean house! So here it goes!
Our house is a big "U" The bedrooms are all on one side of the "u" and that makes it very nice. I'm getting used to this house and how it flows and my favorite part (most of the time) is how the kitchen doesn't have a/c so making homemade bread is so quick!!
One side of the middle bedroom, which is the largest of the 3.
The boys share a room. The top bunk will be for Caroline when we have company. |
The other side.
I was standing in front of the A/C looking out of the room for this shot. You can see the playroom and part of the kitchen area.
The hallway is LONG and has 9 doors!! 3 bedrooms, 3 closets, a bathroom, outside door, and playroom door!
I'm standing is Caroline's doorway looking towards the master. |
Caroline's room will be the main guest room. But she hosted the boys so that Granddaddy and Uncle Paul wouldn't have to share the bed!
The dresser closest in the picture os a guest dresser. It's hard to get Caroline to keep it cleaned off! |
I don't have pictures of the other room yet and these were taken back in September!
The big kids had their yearly check-ups today and are both doing great. Caroline and I are leaving tomorrow afternoon to go camping with Girl Scouts. Justin and the boys are hanging out at home. Will has a football game Saturday morning. Will is excited I'm leaving so he can watch Looney Tunes and eat twizzlers!!!
So I'm off the get packed and pull out some camping gear!