
Monday, May 20, 2013

First tooth

Will finally lost a tooth!  He has been wanting to lose one all year. He lost it last night at the cookout we were hosting. Now he has 4 days of school left to show off his gap tooth smile!

Saturday, May 18, 2013


If you haven't heard already, Justin got his masters last night!!  He made all A's too!  We went to KU last night for the ceremony and then out to eat.  It was quite the night.  
The lighting was terrible in the auditorium but Justin is the one on the end.

Caroline and Grace playing after the graduation.  It was a beautiful evening.

Caroline wanted her hair cut so Justin took her yesterday after school.  This is her bestie Grace!  They love hanging out together and can stay up late talking and talking.  They will miss each other for sure.  Grace is moving to Joint Base Lewis McCord.

Will also got a haircut yesterday.  Looking handsome!

Nice family photo.
Congratulations again Justin!!  It's been quite the year and I am proud of you!!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Play Ball

Eric loves to play with balls.  If he isn't play ball he's driving his cars!!  He can run and dribble a soccer ball, throw a football in a perfect spiral, tries to dribble a basketball, and hit a baseball when it's pitched to him!  It's pretty fun to watch him do this stuff and wonder which will be his favorite if any.  He has been listening to the advice given to his big brother and already keeps his eye on the ball.  

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's day to all the wonderful moms in my life!!  I love you all!!
We had a great day here today.  I got to sleep in, Justin made breakfast (he does every Sunday!), we went to Sunday School and church, Justin made lunch, and I got a nice nap, then we rode bikes to take Caroline and Will to AWANA.  Justin and I tag teamed dinner, with him grilling bacon wrapped filets!!  What an absolutely wonderful day!!  The kids gave me all kids of homemade gifts they had done at school and Sunday School.  My favorite had to be Will's serenading me with the song "What a wonderful world"  He had a booklet of the words and had illustrated each page.  They must have practiced at school because he even sang the melody correctly.  Made me cry it was so sweet!!!
What would I do without these sweet faces in my life?!!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Wild weather and a carburetor

May 2nd it snowed most of the day!!  It accumulated on the grass just south of here but not here thank goodness.  We went from having an 80 degree day on Monday to 33 degrees and snowing Thursday!!  So hard to believe that its May.  The rain is helping to wash away the pollen that is getting pretty bad right now.  We enjoyed the warmer weather while it lasted, playing outside, going to Caroline's soccer games, and having the windows open.  Now the heat is back on and we went for a walk in a cold drizzle last night after having dinner.

Our time here in KS is quickly coming to an end.  The kids have about 13 days of school left!!  And the movers pack us up in 6 weeks.  It is amazing how completely different the kids are reacting to the idea of moving.  Caroline is excited to go and doesn't have any reservations about leaving and moving on. I am pretty sure she understands that even if she didn't move all her friends would move and she wouldn't have the same teacher.  When we were talking about moving the other night at dinner her one worry was the long flight over the ocean!!!  Will on the other hand is the complete opposite.  He is worried about making new friends, his new teacher, about the house we will live in, leaving his friends here, and now after hearing Caroline's worry, he has added that to his list too!  He wakes up with bad dreams and has general cranky issues when he gets to thinking about it too much.  We have shown him pictures of HI and of the potential houses we might live in, talked about saying good bye to his friends and teacher, and how easy he made friends here and will do the same in HI.  He is better.  Once we get "knee deep" into the move he is typically fine.  It's getting there that is hard for him.  As for Eric, he is blissfully unaware of what is happening!  He is easy this move.  Next one will be tougher on him.  As he said last night, "I want to go to Kansas!"  And when we told him we were in KS he then said, " I want to go to wahoo (Oahu)!"  He was good with the we will go soon answer.  
Riding the balance bike.  In no time he will be racing Will!!

A horse in the pasture beside Caroline's soccer field.  We took Miles to the game with us and he was very curious about the horse.
 Monday during nap time I went to go mow the little bit of grass we have growing in the backyard.  The mower would start then die, start then die, over and over.  I got Justin to come and see what was going on and he thought I was flooding it since I had to prime it every time I got it to start.  So he let it sit and then tried it again.  The only way it would stay running was if he kept priming it while I held the bar down.  So I went to youtube for an answer.  I then got the tools and headed tot he back yard to take it apart.  I took it apart found the carburetor and took it off.  Took it apart and made sure it was clean and then put it back together.  I messed with something else too (not sure what it's called) used some WD40 and then tried starting it.  Tada!!  It worked and stayed on!!!  I was so proud!
Clamped the gas line, and took the carb off (shiny part), took apart the  float bowl(gold part) thingy too.
I was able to put it all back together without left over parts, no bloody knuckles, or broken nails!!