That is a popular saying on posts. You see it all over printed on all kinds of plaques and stuff. Today was parent teacher conferences. Report cards came out last week so we get to go talk about them! Caroline got straight A's and we are very proud of her. Will doesn't get a report card until second quarter. They are both doing very well and have adjusted splendidly. Caroline's teacher loves her and says even though she is very young she is emotionally doing better than most of the other kids. Will's teacher has 3 grown boys of her own and thank goodness understand a kid that is "all boy"!! Will is tops in his class (no surprise since he is repeating Kindergarten) and needs to work on his self-control!! Mrs. Wagner mentioned controlling his talking and being too physical (pushing, tackling, and such!) No surprises there either!!
Caroline's class had a writing assignment that had the topic above. They are working on compound sentences in this paper. The kids had to compare 2 places they had lived. They also drew houses and listed all the places they had lived on hearts below the houses. Three kids out of 19 had 3 hearts. The rest had more than 3 places they had lived in their short little lives!!
Caroline's house is the second one from the left (the purple one!) |
Her paper! |
Home is where ever the Army sends us! We are together and that's important too!!
The kids attend MacArthur Elementary school. One of 3 elementary schools on post. It is half a mile from our house to the school and the majority of the kids that attend are officer kids. The turn over is 50% from year to year. I don't know how many are enrolled at the school but it is a Pre-K -6 grade school and one story building. Most grades have 4 class rooms. Will has 16 kids in his class and Caroline 19.