This post is so long overdue!! I have tons of great pictures to share but I will start out with these and then put a link up to the rest. We went to Ocean Isle Beach the day after the Mission Man triathlon. Mimi, Granddaddy, Kate, Meg, Margaret, Will, Caroline, Eric, and I had a fantastic week! We all agreed that we could not have survived if KAte hadn't been there!! But she really deserves a post dedicated to just her (so I'll get to it soon)!
The first part of the week was not the best beach weather and we frequently had our phones out checking the radar to see when the next batch of storms was coming and then rushing out to play before they arrived. Most of the playing was in some rain those first couple of days.
One of the many beautiful sunsets we saw. My kids had never watched the sun set like that before and really enjoyed it. |
One of the things the kids enjoyed was the tidal pools. The tides were perfect while we were there and during most of our best beach time it was low tide. Dad, Kate, and I would dam up the tide pool and then many people would enjoy it for the rest for morning.
Eric loved sitting in the water and splashing! |
More pictures to come!