Well it took about 3 weeks but the kids finally realized that Jake, our favorite cat, isn't coming home ever again. Jake was an indoor/outdoor cat and was AWESOME! He was sweet, cuddly, soft, and loving. He would bring us gifts of birds and moles to our front or back door on a regular basis. One of his favorite spots to curl up and sleep was on the top bunk, Caroline's bed. He was a great carefree, easy cat to have around and he will be missed. We aren't exactly sure what happened to him but one morning he went out like he usually does and he never came back. We don't know if he got hit by a car or someone took him. He was microchipped and had a collar with my number on it.
Somehow the kids mentioned him on the ride home after picking up Caroline. I said well, Jakers is in kitty heaven now. And that started the crying! They both said how much they loved and missed him and how sweet he was and that he was the favorite. I made sure that they knew God was taking care of him now and he was just fine. The seemed to be good with that response. But the crying continued until we got in the house and I could hug them both. And then tell them that that was enough crying. They both wanted another Jakers (caroline wanted to make sure that it was a kitty and Will said it had to be black with a little white on its chest). I told them one day we would but not for a long time. See we still have a cat (that we don't want anymore) and a great dog not to mention a new baby coming and a husband deploying next summer. Now I might be crazy but not THAT crazy. And grandparents please don't listen to them and get them a kitty. It will live at your house!!
Jake got along fine with everyone including Miles. |
Last year we even took the cat to the beach since we were in the process of moving to MI. He loved the beach and his big litter box! |
Did I mention he was also a very tolerant cat?! He would let any kid pick him up even if it was upside down. He was a good cat for kids that's for sure. He never once bit or scratched at the kids. |
So this is the first pet that the kids have lost. I know it won't be the last either but the first one is always hard. Have fun catching things in kitty heaven Jakers!!