Pink sun hat, frog rain coat, pink and gray striped shirt, brown and white jams, purple paisley leggings, pink striped knee socks with flowers on them, and then her tennis shoes which she tied herself!! She got some strange looks at the mall but she didn't even notice. I sure do love that about her!!
Friday night after dinner we had time to go to the local elementary school and play on the playground before bath and bed time. It was a beautiful evening and the half mile walk to the playground was nice.
Will getting ready to jump. He has no fear and as soon as Justin's hands go up he is jumping. Earlier on the playground Will jumped from a little higher that in the picture BUT nobody was there to catch him!! He didn't cry but he still has a limp today! As he would say, "I got a lot of tough in me!" Scares me to death!
Happy as can be!
She was trying to avoid Justin taking her picture.
These were all taken with my phone so the shutter speed isn't as fast as my camera. The shots turned out pretty good though.