The wednesday before Thanksgiving Justin loaded up the car and we headed to Baltimore to Susan and Graham's apartment. We left our house at 1130 am and got to Susan's at 945 pm!! All went well with the dog and kids traveling. Caroline learned a new phrase and loves to use it anywhere we go. It is a phrase from my childhood..... fanny fatigue!! We sure did have it after all that driving. Then Saturday we did it all over again as Justin had to head out on a work trip Sunday morning. Thursday the boys went out on an errand and ended up at the driving range. Will had a blast and loved being with the boys! The girls finished up some food prep and then around 1 we went to Susan and Graham's friends, the Jensens. They have 2 kids, Grace, 6, and Jack, almost 3. so it was perfect playmates for Caroline and Will.

Caroline loved jumping on this trampoline. Below are all 4 kids, Will, Grace, Jack, and Caroline. Quite a site with all that blonde hair!

Justin, Will, Grace, and Julie Jensen getting ready for dessert!

The chocolate pumpkin cake I made. All from scratch even the icing! It was delicious!!

We didn't end up leaving the Jensens house until 8pm and the kids were exhausted from playing ALL day. Friday Justina dn Graham went to play golf and Susan and I took the kids to her gym and went swimming. Home for lunch and naps then it was off to meet the Jensens again for some duck pin bowling. It was so much fun and I can't wait to do it again! The kids lasted 2 hours!! What a great Thanksgiving! Thanks for having us Susan and Graham! We love you!