Yesterday I was able to get some more video of the puppy and Will playing. They are hilarious! If you don't laugh then something is wrong with you! If it looks like Will is biting the dog, he actually is! He bite the dog on the nose today and what did the dog do? Absolutely nothing, not a whine, whimper, or a bite back. I love my puppy! Enjoy
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Forgot part of the birthday
Karen reminded me that I didn't tell what I gave Justin for his birthday. Everyone who knows Justin knows he loves his Vikings. They were coming to play the Detroit Lions the Sunday before his birthday. So I got tickets and got a babysitter and we went to the game!! It was a blast and the Vikes did win. The kids had fun with the babysitter too. We had great seats as you can see. We sat in the handicap section at the top of the 50 yard line. We felt a little guilty not being physically handicap but still sitting in those seats.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Justin's birthday
Friday was Justin's birthday and I am a little late posting the pictures! Even though he had to work Friday we still celebrated with style when he got home. I surprised him with steak, sweet potatoes, purple cauliflower, and pineapple upside down cake.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Will and Miles
Ok so here are some videos. I couldn't get Will to run non stop like he usually does but you get the idea. Still very funny!!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
3 year old boys (got to lov'em)
One of Will's sillier moments.
I apologize for the delay in posting lately. I am of course really busy (who isn't) but have not been on the computer much. Last week Will started gymnastics on Monday nights and both kids started swim lessons on Wednesday afternoons. I also started my new schedule of water fitness classes, Wednesday mornings and Thursday nights. Throw on top of that the usual cleaning, laundry, making meals, getting allergy shots twice a week, and taking care of the puppy and I was (still am) tired at the end of the day. I think I am getting used to our new schedule and things are starting to get a little easier. For now at least!
Now on to how a 3 year old boy fills his morning. Yesterday morning started like a typical Tuesday morning. I get up and make Justin and Caroline's lunch get coffee and breakfast made while Justin is showering and getting the kids dressed. We all have breakfast together and then Justin leaves for work and the kids and I go back upstairs for teeth brushing and for me to get dressed before leaving at 8 to drop Caroline off at school. Will and I came home and take the dog for a walk around the block. Will rides his bike. I have never seen a kid be able to flip a bike with training wheels on it as much as Will can! Watch out! He loves to see how fast he can go and far away from me he can get. Then he went outside to play and is in his bubble car going fast and wrecking into the deck rails, the table, and anything else he can. He runs in the yard the dog chases him, they tackle each other. Will grabbing the dog around the neck and taking him down and the dog gets Will by grabbing the back of his sleeve and bringing him down. So funny to watch. Then they both come inside and chase each other around the island in the kitchen. Will of course falls and so does the dog on the tile floor. Sometimes Miles turns and goes the other direction and catches Will head on and that makes for great giggles, laughs, and lots of licks. Then on to more wrestling in the house and while I am on the phone with Justin Will jumps off the step (just 1) that goes down to the den and land with his legs over Miles' neck and takes the dog down again. Miles thank goodness takes all of this very well and never barks, yips, nips, or bites Will. Will still has the dog in a headlock with his legs and then Will rolls over with the dog still between his legs. The dog rolls over with Will and ends up licking him until he lets go!! Then I need a break from all the BOY so we go get my allergy shot. When we get back home the rough housing continues and it isn't like I trust Will or the dog to be able to leave them alone while I get something done. So I finally separate them and have to get some stuff done. Will often tells me he loves his puppy. I have a feeling they will be best friends as they grow up together. I am going to try and get some video of them playing together so you can get a good laugh.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
My little boy turns 16!!
Today was Will's birthday!! He turned 3 today and I just can't believe it. He has lived in 4 states and done lots of traveling in his short life. But today was his big day. He has been talking about and singing the happy birthday song since my birthday in June!! At some point along the way he decided he wasn't turning 3 but 16! He still holds up 3 fingers though.
Here is a picture of the cake Will and Caroline decorated for his birthday. His only specifications were that it had Lightning McQueen on it and for it to be round. As we were standing in front of all the cake mixes at the grocery store Friday I asked him what kind of cake he wanted and his response was that he wanted a round one! Not much of a picky guy most times!

Love you Will bo baggins!! Happy 16th birthday! We love you!
Friday, September 11, 2009
That time of year
I survived Caroline's first week of school!! I was sad only this morning when we were walking into the building and she told me I could just drive around and drop her off! I compromised with her and told her I would drive around and pick her up after school. Which she still thought was cool! She isn't thinking school is boring anymore (so far) and has come home everyday excited to go back the next day. My dad asked if we needed to do a paternity test to make sure she was my child. I guess that is logical since I hid in the woods so I wouldn't have to go to school! I swear she is mine though!
On our return trip from camping this past weekend we started noticing some trees were looking a little different, even in our own yard.

Every afternoon that it isn't raining this is one of the things we do. We bike ride. Well the kids ride I walk the dog! Now it is hard for me to keep up and I have to jog to try and stay with them! Here is a picture from today. I love the hands on the hips! She is waiting for Will to give her her water bottle back.
Tomorrow is a special day don't forget to look back for lots of pictures and a video!!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Mommy, watch this!
This is for Justin since he is out of town.
Caroline was swinging and hollered out for me to watch her. The next thing I see is her throwing her head backwards while she is sitting in the swing to do a back flip out of her swing! I asked her where she saw this and her response, "I just thought to do it." WHAT! Of course Will thinks he can do this kinda thing too but not so much. I was playing fetch with the dog and turn to see Will with his legs in the swing but his head dragging the ground! He didn't hold on to the chain obviously! No tears though! Enjoy the videos!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
IT finally happened!
This day has been a long time coming and I wasn't sure exactly how I would feel when it came. But I knew she was more than ready and was so so so excited to be going so I was excited for her. KINDERGARTEN!!! My baby girl went to big girl school for the first time today. Holy cow I can't believe I have a kid old enough to go to kindergarten. A whole new stage in her growing up and me too!
She told me a little about what they did but already it's like pulling teeth to get her to tell me what she did. She will tell more to Justin than me, but she did the same thing when she was in preschool. The only thing is Justin left this afternoon for a work trip and won't be home until Friday. She was disappointed that it was only a half day and again set out her clothes for tomorrow.
Her assessment of the first day........ it was boring. I can't believe that girl!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Bean and bump
Will doesn't eat veggies. He will eat raw carrots and sometimes potatoes but I think that about does it on the veggie side of things. He loves fruits and eats lots of different kinds of fruits, but no veggies. Caroline loves veggies. At least the ones I like and therefore feed her! I always put 1 of what ever veggie we are eating on his plate just in case he wants to try it. So one night at dinner Justin was going to give Caroline a hi-five but her hand was mess/sticky or something so he taught her the fist bump. Well Will also wanted to bump so I told him he had eat the green bean on his plate to get a bump. (I think this is how it went) He didn't want to so we all got green beans on our forks and were going to all take a bite and the same time and then fist bump. He ate that blasted green bean without gagging and then loved the bump at the end!! So then we moved on to the "blow-it-up bump" (in the video) which got another green bean down! It has even worked another day this week! I am shocked that it works! If I had only tried something this easy before!
I will "bump" with him anytime he wants to eat a bean!!! Go Will!
Our newest family member
Meet.......MILES! While I was in Salisbury I looked in the classified at the puppies for sale. And saw the ad for golden puppies and had to go look. So Wednesday morning we all headed down to Kannapolis to look at him. Of course we took him with us he is just too cute! He was born May 1 (4 months now) and is just the sweetest thing. The kids love him! The picture below is right after we got him back to Salisbury.
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