With kids that are 4 and 2 you get lots of funny answers. With Will he is still having trouble saying certain words. I don't correct him because it is just too cute. Lately he has started calling me "Mop". I will give him a snack and he will say thanks Mop! And for Justin he always calls him Dad-a-lad.
Some of my other favorites are:
Mary Poppums for Mary Poppins
lellows for mandarin oranges
oranges for peaches
lilly box for litter box
oakmeal for oatmeal
pup putt for putt putt
I am sure there are more but these are the ones that I have written down just in the last few days. I will be sad when he is not mispronouncing words. He is getting to be such a big boy these days and while it it nice that he is able to do more on his own I will miss having my little boy around (I think). I know I won't miss the terrible twos with him that's for sure!
I forgot one and it is the cutest one! iz'em. He uses this as a question. Instead of saying, where are they, he just says iz'em? I love it!