The question isn't really how do you keep Will out of trouble it is how do you delay the trouble making. And yes I meant for trouble to have a capital T. It seems that trouble should be his middle name most days. Either that or accident. He is always getting hurt or getting into something he shouldn't be. He likes to make toys out of things that shouldn't be toys. Like my sliding glass door, which is a great place for bouncy balls to be thrown against, or the stairs which he likes to thrown things down. Most of his trouble comes form throwing or hitting. I am hoping this stage ends so before I lose my mind.
Friday afternoon it was my turn to have Ashley and Juliet over. The kids were playing very nice is the den with the big girls dressed up as princesses of course. I think they were playing Sleeping Beauty, one lays on the couch pretending to be asleep waiting for the prince to come kiss her. Will I guess was supposed to be the prince and instead of kissing he climbs on the couch and terrorizes Sleeping Beauty and the other girl being the evil witch couldn't do enough magic to contain prince Will. Juliet, poor thing, is just minding her own business playing nicely with the doll house and I have to come in the room yelling at Will to get off the sofa and end table and to leave the girls alone. I leave them to playing again and go back to the kitchen where I was making some casseroles to put in the freezer. Again I hear the girls complaining about Will this time he was taking his undies off. So back in I go and tell him he has to come play in the kitchen with me and leave the girls alone. He thought I was putting him in time out making him stay in the kitchen. He loves to sit on the counter and "help" so I asked him if he wanted to sit on the counter and that finally got him to stop crying.
Of course the pictures loaded in reverse order so the first 2 are from Will helping me make biscuits Saturday morning (still trying to keep him out of trouble) and the last 2 are from Friday afternoon.

He loved eating the leftover biscuit dough. Cleaned the bowl for me.

Busy scraping the bowl with his hand. He does a great job stirring and patting the dough and then using the cutter to make the biscuits. His
favorite part is picking the cut biscuits off the counter and throwing them onto the pan. I think he likes the sound they make when they slap down. Drives my need for the biscuits to be all lined up in neat rows crazy but I leave it.

So instead of helping me cook on Friday he realized that the sink with a bowl of water, a
ladle, and a whisk were going to me loads more fun. So he sat of the counter filling up the
ladle, measuring cups, and anything else with water. He had so much fun and got surprisingly very little on the floor.
Washing his feet was also a
blast. He sat on the counter for at least an hour.
The girls were much happier and I didn't have to yell at Will every 5 minutes.
Now if I could get him to not copy everything his sister does it would help him get hurt a lot less than he currently does. He ended up biting his tongue twice Friday to the point that it bleeds. Once was leaning from the sofa to the coffee table so he could get on the coffee table and jump to the sofa again without touching the floor. Of course he saw Caroline do this and when he tries falls hits his throat and mouth and ends up with a bleeding tongue!
And with all this we have only had to take him to the ER one time! I don't know how much longer that is going to hold up but I hope for my sake it lasts a few more years.