Christmas day the kids actually slept the latest they have slept in months! They didn't wake up until about 8am! Justin was already up and had his coffee made before the kids got up. Above is the kids in their new jammies they got from their cousins. Below is shock on Caroline's sleepy face as she sees Santa left her her own gum and chap stick!!

Will also loved the gum Santa left and the Woody toy. You can see how dark it is outside even though it is a little after 8. If it was light you would see our tree sitting right outside that door!

Will getting his first look at his stocking!

Caroline's first look at what she got.

We had a great day just the 4 of us. We took turns opening presents and the kids had a blast playing with thier toys as they opened them. Miles loved all the wrapping paper and tore some of it into shreds. He also tried to sit in everyone's lap. Caroline making a funny face with her new hat on.

Will as bubble wrap boy! He loves bubble wrap and we have seen a lot of it the last few weeks as people mailed their gifts to us.

So this is what Justin and I got the kids. Their very own bounce house/moon bounce! We thought they might need some way to get their energy out during the cold months here. They LOVE it! They have learned how to turn it on and off and will jump until they break out into a sweat!

As you can see miles would love to get in there and terrorize the kids but he hasn't figured that out yet and we don't want to let him in there and bite things.

What a great Christmas morning! Then after naps we were invited to a friend's mom's house to have dinner. It was more like the Crissman side of things as there were about 40-45 people there! Caroline and the friends daughter (Madelyn) were the only girl kids. The other 8 or so kids were all boys. Will had a blast! He thought it was great to have so many boys to run around with. What a great way to end Christmas day! Thanks Krosts for having us!
We travel tomorrow to Dayton, OH for the day to visit with neighbors from LA. Can't wait to see them since we haven't seen them in 3 years! Then Monday we get to pick Dad and Mimi up at the airport and have them visit for a few days. Can't wait to see you Dad and Mimi!!