Some people have the gift of story telling with good timing, suspense, and the appropriate level of resolution at just the right point. I am not one of those people. I love to tell a joke; even though my timing is less than perfect. I love to tell stories; somehow, it winds up being a bit of a ramble (much like now--but who says tangental thinking isn't a beautiful bridge to multitasking?).
However, I'm beginning to think that Will might be a natural. He takes full advantage of the cuteness and innocence of his 2 year old appearance. He reels in his listener and then "POW!" out of no where, he springs it on you! Another quick aside is that the kids normally don't startle me easily; many things do, but not the kids. It has something to do with the fact that my children are genetically similar to me and I can see what they would do before they do it, because, hell, I did it in the 70's and 80's when it was cool. It also has something to do with the fact that they can't keep a straight face. Of course, they'll learn when the stakes get higher....most likely after questions like "who did this?" or "what just happened?" or "where did you learn that?"
This brings me to dinner on Monday night. The family is stationed dutifully at the table on the back deck, ravenous due to a long ride in the van preceded by 3 wonderful days in the woods of south western Pennsylvania. So, Will looks at Julie and says "Oh, I see a deer." He playfully (almost everything he does is playful) cocks his head and points a crooked pointer finger to nowhere. (One thing that Will has developed is the ability to notice things that aren't completely obvious to Julie and I in the hubbub of daily living. For example, a train will pass by the house-fairly far away, but noticeable if you're paying attention. Will will be the first to tell you. A siren is another great example. Long story short, Will is on it. All senses turned on, all the time.) Based on the fact that Will sees/hears/feels these things that aren't altogether obvious to me, I ask him where. He gets very quiet and says, "I see a deer." I say, "where?". He says almost inaudibly, "I see a deer. He's gonna get me." I say, "where?" and at this point I'm leaning in toward him. I am consumed by him at this point paying all my attention to him. Now, he mouths, "I see a deer, Gonna Get me." His eyebrows are raised, mouth wide in an inaudible statement, eyes bright with excitement. I lean in further and say "Where?". (at this point I am about 10 inches from his face.) He mouths again "I see a deer, he's gonna get me." (i want to reinforce that he is saying nothing...just mouthing the words). At the end of this last "mouthing", he looks carefully over to the right....and screams "right there!"
I almost pissed my pants. I might have shouted a little. No kidding.
I love my children. Caroline laughs uproariously as if she knew this was coming all along. Julie smiles and laughs along and at this point I am laughing hysterically. Good times. Sweet moments of just having a family.