This is Jack's favorite resting place, our sofa. Caroline took this pic.

Jack and his shadow, Bernie.

Caroline and Will playing with Bernie. One of the problems with a little dog and my son is he is very rough. He knows he needs to sit and have the puppy in his lap but if something doesn't go his way then he likes to kick her. He has kicked other small dogs before and I know he gets this trait from the Crissman boy side. Not all the brothers but I know my dad isn't the fondest of little dogs sometimes.

Juliet with her new puppy.
Lots of people in our neighborhood have dogs. But unlike at Fort Polk where it seemed everyone left their dogs outside to bark all day and night, there are nice dog owners here. Our best friends just got a little 9 week old puppy and it is the cutest thing. Jack, my mom's dog, is very sweet with Bernie. Tomorrow is the last day that Jack will be staying with us. Our month long dog sitting duty is over. He has been a great house guest and others in the neighborhood have really enjoyed him too. But all the black dog hair will NOT be missed. I will probably spend an entire day de-hairing my house next week!