So, the morning routine normally consists of me doing the whole personal hygiene thing and watching the kids while Julie does the breakfast startup. After all the grime is gone, I dress my little angels. Well, most times they're angels. On this particular day, I have yet to dress either one and I am putting on the boots for a long day at the office. Caroline is in her room (which if you've been to our house, you know that from the Master Bedroom glider you can see the kids' bedroom) and she is being her usual helpful self.
I tell her to get a pair of pants, a long sleeved shirt, socks, and an undershirt. She happily retrieves all items except the undershirt and brings them to me as she starts to take off her jammies. I tell her, "Caroline, you need an undershirt." She goes into her room and begins to reason with me. Big Mistake. She says, "I really don't need an undershirt, I won't get cold." How she comes up with these excuses is beyond me (Julie), but I stand firm and say a typical Dad thing that I thought I'd never say. "Caroline, don't come back in here without an undershirt." She begins to sniffle, sob, then all out cry. At this point, it dawns on me that her undershirts are on the higher part of the shelves we have in the kids' closet. Now, it's time for Dad to use his ever-present calming skills. "Caroline! Please, darling, save the drama for your mama." This has an immediate impact. She appears curious, but definitely stopped crying. "Whew!" I think to myself, I dodged that bullet. No more tears. I then tell her to get her step stool out of the bathroom and she, again, goes happily about her business. She gets dressed without further dismay. We eat breakfast as a family and I go to work.
While slaving away at work, a phone call somehow separates me from my Outlook nightmare where I am trying desperately to fix my latest debacle in Times New Roman, Pitch 10. Julie is chuckling. "I was getting ready for lunch and asked Caroline to go wash her hands," says Julie. "I had to get her to stop what she was doing and I had to ask her several times." This normally results in a small battle of wills with Caroline that normally results in a small whine and compliance. Today, Caroline had a classic meltdown. Obviously, Julie felt something more was going on. Julie continues to tell me, "I asked her to tell me what's wrong and she says 'Oh mom, daddy told me to save the drama for you!!'"
Now, if I could get her to save the drama altogether........